On Thursday, March 18, 2021, Governor Oliver administered oaths of office to seven new members of the Pohnpei Utilities Corporation Board and one member of the Pohnpei Port Authority. Joining Governor Oliver to present certificates of appointment representing Speaker Lambert, was Vice Speaker Stevick Edwin and Vice Chairman of the Public Works and Transportation Committee, Senator Kikuo Apis, Jr.  Sister Christina Elias opened the ceremony with a prayer.  


Receiving oaths of office were the following: 


Board of Pohnpei Utilities Corporation: 


  1. Rohsa Kitti, Mr. William Hawley
  2. Mr. Trevayne Esiel
  3. Sr. Christina Elias
  4. Mrs. Cynthia Ehmes
  5. Mr. Garner Edgar 
  6. Mr. Joseph Felix Jr.
  7. Mr. Erick Paul


Board of Pohnpei Port Authority:


  1. Mr. Quincy Lawrence


In his remarks after swearing in the new members, Governor Oliver, on behalf of Lt. Governor Perman, congratulated the newly appointed board members and recognized the dignitaries attending the ceremony.  Governor Oliver thanked the previous board members for their hard work and dedication.  He encouraged the appointees to move forward with their mandated duties as policymakers to PUC and PPA.  To the new PUC Board members, he asked for their support and cooperation to help PUC management with renewable energy initiatives.  He spoke of new initiatives and funding that will help the PUC to move forward with its services to the people of Pohnpei, including a $10 million grant from the Asian Development Bank for power plant services.  Governor Oliver thanked the employees of PUC for the crucial services to the people they provide that run 24 hours a day.  


He then spoke of the Pohnpei Port Authority and their responsibility as the sea and air door to Pohnpei.  He was confident that the new Board member, Mr. Lawrence, will continue to support PPA’s responsibilities with the expected seaport expansion at the Dekehtik dock.  He thanked the PPA leadership and board members and once again thanked Speaker Lambert and the 10th Pohnpei Legislature for their support in the nominations of these individuals.  


Mr. Trevayne Esiel, from the PUC Board, spoke on behalf of the new appointees to thank Governor Oliver, Speaker Lambert, and the 10th Pohnpei Legislature.  He noted that their responsibilities as board members are to serve, not the corporations, but Pohnpei.  He said their work is only possible through the support of the government, traditional,  religious leaders, and the people they serve.   


Vice Speaker Edwin, representing Hon. Ausen T. Lambert, the Speaker, congratulated the new members. He thanked Governor Oliver and his staff for the nominations and charged the new board members to take up their responsibilities diligently and work with Legislative and the Executive Branches as advisors to assist in their areas of responsibility. He spoke briefly about terms of board members and the staggering of appointment of board members for continuity in service on the boards.  He addressed complaints of PUC service by reiterating Mr. Esiel’s remarks on support from the people and communities, through awareness and understanding of services.  He echoed Governor Oliver’s remarks on PPA’s important responsibility as the sea and air entrance to Pohnpei and congratulated once again all the new board members.  


Full ceremony on video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmBRrhB4jms




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