KOLONIA, Pohnpei, FSM: August 20, 2024 — In a ceremony held today at the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) conference room, Governor Stevenson A. Joseph administered the oath of office to Mr. Alpino Kerman as the new Election Commissioner of Pohnpei State and Mr. Dickson Wichep as a member of the Pohnpei State Board of Land Trustees. The event marks a significant step in ensuring strong leadership in both the electoral process and land management in the state.
Lieutenant Governor Francisco L. Ioanis presented the certificates of appointment to both Election Commissioner Kerman and Trustee Wichep following their swearing-in. Governor Joseph expressed his deep gratitude to the Pohnpei State Legislature, specifically thanking Speaker Marvin Yamaguchi and the members of the Legislature for their support in confirming the Governor’s nominations. He also extended his thanks to the appointees for their commitment to taking on such important roles and responsibilities.
Representing Speaker Yamaguchi, Senator Dionisio Saimon delivered remarks of gratitude and congratulations to the newly appointed officials. He commended their dedication and readiness to serve the people of Pohnpei and conveyed his confidence in their abilities to fulfill the duties of their respective positions.
Closing the ceremony, Lt. Governor Ioanis offered words of encouragement, emphasizing the importance of the roles that the Election Commissioner and Board of Land Trustee hold. He acknowledged the challenging nomination and confirmation process, underscoring the significance of the responsibilities they are entrusted with in serving the state.
Congratulations to Election Commissioner Alpino Kerman and Board of Land Trustee, Dickson Wichep.


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