Pohnpei State Police Commission

The Pohnpei State Police Commission is made up of five individuals appointed by the Governor and confirmed by The Pohnpei State Legislature. All members serve staggered terms of two to four years. The commission elects its own chair, vice-chair and secretary from among its members. The Police Commission has the following mandated responsibilities:
Oversee the activities of the Division of Police and Security and make periodic reports to the
Governor and the Legislature as to the operations of the Division and its effectiveness in enforcing the
laws of the state;
Receive and investigate complaints from the general public on any matter relative to the
jurisdiction and activities of the Division; and
Advise the Director and the Chief as to corrective action where necessary.
The commission is committed to continuing to work proactively with the department to address problems regarding police conduct and other issues.
Baron Mendiola – Acting Chair
Patrick Pedrus – Secretary
Phyllis Silbanuz – Member
Joab Paul – Member
Wensper Raymond – Member
The Police Commission Office is located on the second floor of the Pohnpei State Administrative Building, Peilapalap, Kolonia in the former Registrar of Corporations office.
CONTACT Phone number: 320-2803
Contact Email: policecommission@pohnpei.gov.fm
Title 16 of the Pohnpei State Code establishes the Police Commission:
§1-114. Commission established. There is hereby established in and for Pohnpei State, a Pohnpei
Police Commission, hereinafter referred to as “Commission,” which shall be composed of five
members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Legislature. Three
Commission members shall be appointed from the Pohnpei Government, and two members shall be
appointed from the private sector. The Commission shall function in an advisory manner only, and
shall meet and advise pursuant to those rules and regulations the Commission shall choose to
Source: S.L. No. 4L-139-99 §15, 11/22/99
§1-119. Commission: duties. It shall be the responsibility of the Commission to:
(1) Oversee the activities of the Division of Police and Security and make periodic reports to the
Governor and the Legislature as to the operations of the Division and its effectiveness in enforcing the
laws of the state;
(2) Receive and investigate complaints from the general public on any matter relative to the
jurisdiction and activities of the Division; and
(3) Advise the Director and the Chief as to corrective action where necessary.
Source: S.L. No. 4L-139-99 §20, 11/22/99
§1-121. Regulations. The Commission, subject to the administrative procedures and laws of
Pohnpei and upon approval of the Governor shall have the authority to make and promulgate rules
and regulations for the performance of its responsibilities and duties pursuant to this chapter.
Source: S.L. No. 4L-139-99 §23, 11/22/99