Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Weekly Updates from Pohnpei State Government Departments, Offices and Agencies

Weekly updates from Pohnpei State Government Departments, Offices and Agencies submitted to the Governor’s Office:   From the Director of the Department of Land, Wasahi Sokehs, Mr. Peter Lohn: Under the Division of Historic Preservation local senior citizens in U and Madolenihmw have been contacted to collect Oral Histories of Pohnpei for a public awareness program on V6AH. The program will not only help preserve culture and heritage, but also inform our younger generations about our rich and unique history. Under the Division of Public Land: Inspection of dredging sites continues in Eir Sokehs, Dien Kitti, Metipw, Mesihsou, and Ohwa, Madolenihmw to ensure proper protocol and procedures are being taken to protect our environment. From the Administrator of the Office of Transportation and Infrastructure, IsoNahnken of Madolenihmw, Mr. John Adolph: The following projects have been completed or close to complete by the Pohnpei Transportation Authority, headed by Commissioner Welson Panuel. Kurumw, U Paved Road upgrade -100 % – Completed Awak Pah, U Paved Road upgrade – 100 % – Completed Saladak, U Paved Road upgrade -100 % – Completed Sokehs Powe Paved Road Maintenance Project – 100 % – Completed Sokehs Pah Paved Road Maintenance Project – 100 % – Completed Diahdi, Kitti Paved Road Maintenance Project – On-going, 90% complete Rohi, Kitti Paved Road Maintenance Project – On-going, 90% complete The Office of T&I is still waiting for proposals from qualified Architectural and Engineering firms for the Pohnpei State Supreme Court proposed building design and layout.  Requests for proposals are due on July 10, 2020, at 5 pm. From the General Manager of Pohnpei Utilities Corporation (PUC) Nixon Anson: The PUC Board recently approved General Manager Report No. 19/2020 regarding a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between PUC and Nexus Energy Company of South Korea. The MOU allows for PUC to sell 130,000 gallons of used oil (refined oil) to Nexus Energy Company for an amount to be determined by both parties.  The sale and removal of the used oil will not only bring in revenue for PUC, but also remove the dangers of having so many flammable items at PUC’s power plant.   COVID-19 update:   An assessment was completed on June 19, 2020, to assess Pohnpei’s ability to receive returning residents from COVID-19 infected areas.  Dr. Eliaser Johnson from the FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs presented the findings to the Pohnpei State COVID-19 Task Force on June 23. The findings recommended a re-assessment to address the issues that were identified in the initial assessment before any decision will be made to allow residents to return to Pohnpei from COVID19 infected areas.  Both parties agreed to a reassessment on July 3, 2020.   There are currently no COVID-19 cases in the FSM, RMI, and Palau.  This is due to the total ban on the disembarkation of passengers from COVID19 infected countries.   In the entire USA, over 2.5 million confirmed cases and over 128K deaths reported from COVID-19.   As of July 2, 2020, in Guam, there have been a total of 280 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 5 deaths, 179 released from isolation, and 96 active cases.   In Hawaii, there are 926 confirmed cases and 18 deaths have been reported. In the state of Oregon, there are 9,300 confirmed cases and 211 deaths have been reported In the state of Utah, there are 23,466 confirmed cases and 176 deaths have been reported In the state of Missouri, there are 23,063 confirmed cases and 1,056 deaths have been reported Listen to the Enginkehlap Radio Program below: