On September 15, 2020, Governor Reed B. Oliver, received the Committee to Wait on the Governor chaired by Senator Marvin Yamaguchi of Kolonia with members Senator Mitaro Simina of Sokehs and Senator Kasinda Ludwig of  Kapingamarangi.

Chairman Yamaguchi, on behalf of the Speaker and 10th Pohnpei State Legislature, informed Governor Oliver that the 10th Pohnpei State Legislature started its third and final regular session for this fiscal year, on September 14, 2020, which will run for 30 days.  He further advised Governor Oliver that this regular session would focus mainly on the FY-21 budget.  Senator Simina highlighted the need for the new members of the Board of Education.

Governor Oliver and the Committee discussed FY-21 Budget, COVID-19 continuing preparations and activities, Pohnpei State Government administration building renovations, Government housing renovations, and a briefing done by the members of the FSM Joint Committee on Compact Renegotiations. He emphasized the need to complete the nomination process of the remaining members of the Boards, Commissions, and Authorities including the Board of Education and several others for Legislature’s appropriate action.

On the COVID-19 and repatriation updates, Governor Oliver advised the Committee that the Pohnpei State Government is working with the FSM National Government to repatriate Pohnpei medical referral patients and students from Guam.  There will be a pre-14 day quarantine in Guam with COVID-19 testing and additional 14-day quarantine upon arrival in Pohnpei with further COVID-19 testing.  The exact numbers of residents and date of arrival have not been confirmed but will be decided in conjunction with the FSM National Government.

Governor Oliver thanked Chairman Yamaguchi and the Committee for their visit and the opportunity to share updates between the Legislative and Executive branches.

For more information on this post please call the Public Information Officer at 320-2235 or email at patrick.pedrus@pohnpei.gov.fm


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