Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Anti-Bullying Campaign and Christmas Tree Lighting

FROM THE POHNPEI STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: ANTI-BULLYING CAMPAIGN AND CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING PARADE. THEME: BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS TOGETHER FOR ANTI-BULLYING “The Department of Public Safety wishes to invite the general public, individual or group to join us in this year’s campaign and parade on Anti-Bullying scheduled on the 3rd of December 2021 at 5 p.m. from the Spanish Wall to the Executive Building where a short program and remark from the Director of the Department of Public Safety and Government Leadership, thereafter the Lighting of the Christmas tree to welcome the coming of the Christmas Season. Interested party may pick up Registration form from the Dept. of Public Safety Office or inbox us your email address and we’ll send you the form. Should you have any questions please feel free to comment or inbox our fb page or email pohnpeidetective@gmail.com     Visit the Department of Public Safety’s Facebook page for more information on how to register: https://www.facebook.com/pohnpeistatedps