January 27, 2022

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Chief of Staff, Mr. Kapilly Capelle, Represents Governor Oliver during Education week

Chief of Staff, Mr. Kapilly Capelle, represented Governor Reed B. Oliver during Education week activities at the Kolonia/China Friendship Gym. Elementary Schools from Kolonia and Sokehs were represented and academic awards for teachers and staff were presented during the activity. Ms. Phyllis Silbanuz was the keynote speaker for the event. Drawing on this year’s theme: “Navigating with passion, collaboration, and perseverance to succeed”, she spoke of passionate educators and success. During his remarks, Chief of Staff Capelle conveyed Governor Oliver’s gratitude and appreciation for the good work that has been carried out at the Department of Education and especially with Education week activities to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of Teachers and Students. He shared the importance of Education as a means to creating a better life, explaining that it is our responsibility to do so. Congratulations to all the Students, Teachers, and Principals for navigating the school year with passion, collaboration, and perseverance to succeed. Congratulations to Ohmine Elementary School for being awarded the Statewide Competition Winner of the Year!

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Governor Oliver and First Lady of Pohnpei attend the funral service of the late Honorable John Ehsa

On the morning of Sunday, January 23, 2022, Governor Oliver and First Lady of Pohnpei, Mrs. Estle G. Oliver attended the funeral services of the late Honorable John Ehsa, 5th Governor of Pohnpei at Alohkapw Church in Madolenihmw. The actual services were held in Wichita, Kansas, USA, and streamed live to Pohnpei via video. IsoNahnken of U, Mr. Ihlen Joseph, and IsoNahnken of Madolenihmw, Mr. John Adolph also attended the event. On behalf of the Pohnpei State Government, Governor Oliver conveyed sincere and profound gratitude for the life and service of the late Honorable John Ehsa. He paid special respect to the former First Lady of Pohnpei, Ms. Julilnida Weital. Governor Oliver noted that the late Honorable John Ehsa not only contributed to Pohnpei but also to the Federated States of Micronesia during his long and distinguished public service career. He spoke of the popular motto that Governor Ehsa started during his administration, Pohnpei Met, which later gave birth to Kairoihir Ehute, which in turn gave birth to Enginkehlap which continues today. Chief of Staff, Kapilly Capelle followed Governor Oliver and read the Executive proclamation signed by Governor Oliver in honor of the late Honorable John Ehsa. IsoNahnken of U, Mr. Ihlen Joseph also said a few words to memorialize and pay tribute to the late Honorable John Ehsa, noting their long friendship and relationship from the Trust Territory times to his selection as Governor Ehsa’s Chief of Staff and State Public Auditor. Rest in Peace, late Honorable John Ehsa, Fifth Governor of the State of Pohnpei.

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Congratulations and Farewell to Mr. Leon Panuelo Jr.

Governor Oliver was joined by Speaker T.H. Marvin Yamaguchi, Senator Brian Etschiet, members of the Governor’s cabinet, and Governor’s Office staff to bid farewell to Budget Officer, Leon Panuelo Jr., on Friday, January 21, 2022, at the Governor’s Office, Peilapalap, Kolonia. Mr. Panuelo has been selected for the position of FSM Social Security Administrator. Before presenting Mr. Panuelo with a certificate of appreciation for his service to the people of Pohnpei as the State Budget Officer from July 2020 to June 2022, the Governor delivered remarks. He expressed his gratitude to Mr. Panuelo for his service to the people of Pohnpei in a challenging position and congratulated him on behalf of the Speaker and Pohnpei State Government for his selection to an important position as the FSM Social Security Administrator. Mr. Panuelo thanked Governor Oliver for the opportunity to serve as the State Budget Officer and praised the staff of the Budget Office for their hard work and dedication during their time together. Congratulations and Farewell to Mr. Leon Panuelo Jr.

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

U Corona Volunteers Turnover Toilet Facilities

On Friday, January 21, 2022, the keys to two brand new toilet facilities were turned over from the U Corona Volunteers (UCV) to Awak Elementary School, Pohnpei State Department of Education. The toilet facilities include two fully functional toilets, sinks, and showers. The toilet facilities are part of UCV and the U municipality’s COVID-19 response efforts. A second pair of toilet facilities will also be installed at Saladak Elementary School. Mr. Kennely Marquez, President of UCV, turned over the keys to the toilet facilities to the Pohnpei State Department of Education, Chief of Primary Schools, Mr. Peter Ramirez. Joining the ceremony to witness the handover was Vice Speaker of the FSM Congress, T.H. Esmond Moses, Chief Minister of U Municipality, T.H. Rufino Primo, Senators T.H. Stevenson Joseph, and T.H. Sonster Edgar of the 10th Pohnpei State Legislature. The facilities were constructed with donations from the FSM Congress and the U Municipal Government. UCV is a group of local volunteers from U municipality who have dedicated their time and energy to help U’s COVID-19 response efforts. Their efforts have included addressing food security through the teaching and preparation of local foods like “mahr”, vaccination efforts, and this recent turnover of toilet facilities to Awak Elementary School and another set of toilet facilities for Saladak Elementary School that will be done soon. As part of UCV’s COVID-19 response plans, both elementary schools in U have been designated as quarantine sites in the event of community transmission of COVID-19.

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