Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika


Acting Governor Elnei attends 8th graduation of Ohmine Elementary School Acting Governor Elnei pato ni kesepwil en Ohmine Elementary School On June 3, 2022, Acting Governor, Hon. Christina Elnei, attended the Ohmine Elementary School graduation at the Kolonia-China Friendship gym.  In her brief remarks as the Keynote speaker, Acting Governor Elnei acknowledged the solid foundation that education provides to the youth.  She also shared three virtues, that have been shared many times before by Governor Oliver, of respect, responsibility and honesty.  She spoke of respecting yourself and others, being responsible for what you have been entrusted with, however big or small, and always being honest in all you do.  She reminded the Ohmine class that they are the future of Pohnpei and congratulated all of them on reaching a milestone in their young lives.   Ni June 3, 2022, Weliepen Kepina Ong Lepin Ansou de Acting Governor, Hon. Christina Elnei, patohwen iang towehda kesepwil en irail pwihn kewaluh kan en Ohmine Elementary School me wiawi nan Kolonia-China Friendship Gymnasium.  Nan eh tungoal sakarada en rahno, Acting Governor Hon. Christina Elnei patohwen kapingehng Kempahn Kasukuhl oh kaweidki irail serih kan me kesepwil rahno, irail en kin poahsonehkin irail wahu, pwukoah oh mehlel.  Hon. Christina Elnei pil patohwen kaweidki ong irail pwihn kewaluh kan rahno, ren kin wauneki pein irail oh iangahki mehtei kan.  Irial en pil kin kesempwaliki sohng koaros me re pahn kin wia oh mehlel ieng.  Hon. Christina Elnei patohwen wia eh tungaol congratulations ong irail serih kan me kesepwil rahno oh katamankin irail me iei irail me pahn uhd apwalih Pohnpei ehu rahn. Acting Governor attends welcoming ceremony of the FSS Tosiwo Nakayama Acting Governor patehng koasoamwpen sohp FSS Tosiwo Nakayama On June 4, 2022, Acting Governor, Hon. Christina Elnei, attended the welcoming home ceremony for the FSS Tosiwo Nakayama.  The Nakayama is a Guardian class patrol boat that has been generously donated by the Australian Government under Australia’s Maritime Security Program.  The Nakayama is the first of two Guardian class patrol boats that will replace the FSS Palikir, FSS Independence and FSS Micronesia.  Also attending the event was Wasalapalap Isipahu, Nahnmwarki of Madolenihmw and Likend Kelekel who cut the ribbon at the gangplank of the FSS Tosiwo Nakayama officially welcoming her home and operational.  Accompanying Acting Governor Elnei was Pohnpei Port Authority board member Ms. MaryAnn Eperiam, Ms. Meryda Inos from PDOE and First Lady of Chuuk, Mrs. Lynn Narruhn.  Ni June 4, 2022, Weliepen Kepina Ong Lepin Ansou, Hon. Christina Elnei, patohwen iang towehda kasarawi ehu ong koasoamwpen sohp FSS Tosiwo Nakayama me wiawi Dekehtik weihn Nett.  Sohp en patrol wet donated sang Kapworment en Australia Maritime Security Program.  Iei kerioapwoat en sohp  wet me pahn patohwen welianda FSS Palikir, FSS Independence oh FSS Micronesia.  Me ketdi ong ni kasarawi en rahno iei, Wasa Lapalap Isipahu, Nahnmwarki en Madolenihmw, oh Likend Kelekel me ketin wia ribbon cutting de lopuk mwein likou ong langadahn mweimweilongodo en sohp FSS Tosiwo Nakayama.  Ah me iang, patehng Hon. Christina Elnei, iei PPA Board member MaryAnn Eperiam, Ms. Meryda Inos sang PDOE oh First Lady en weihn Chuuk, Mrs. Lynn Narruhn.  U.S. Navy Seabees and FSM National Government employees in quarantine at the Island Palms Hotel U.S. Navy Seabees oh tohn doadoahk en FSM patohwen quarantine nan Island Palms Hotel On June 4, 2022, 13 U.S. Navy Seabees and two FSM National Government Employees landed in Pohnpei and entered quarantine at the Island Palms Hotel.  The 15 individuals have all tested negative and received their COVID-19 immunizations and boosters before landing in Pohnpei.  They will undergo quarantine at Island Palms along with Island Palms staff for five days.  The entire operation has been paid for by the U.S. Government including overtime for Pohnpei State employees.  The Island Palms was fully assessed by both the Pohnpei and FSM National Task Forces and met the requirements to safely house and staff quarantine operations.  The use of Island Palms to accommodate the U.S. Navy Seabees, who will contribute greatly to our local public infrastructure, allows scheduled repatriation movements to continue without interruption or delay.   Ni June 4, 2022, U.S. Navy Seabees ehk silimen (13) oh tohn doadaohk en FSM government 2 patohwen peidi ong weihn Pohnpei oh patohlong quarantine nan Island Palms Hotel.  Irail meh 15 pwukat patohwen test ehr oh sohte mwesen COVID-19 rehrail oh re pil patohwen kanekelahr arail tungoal dok en silasil en COVID-19 mwohn arail peidi ong weihn Pohnpei.   Irail pwukat pahn patopatohki nan quarantine, Island Palms Hotel, rahn 5 kapatahieng irail tohn doadoahk kan en hotel wet.  Kapworment en weihn US me sawaski epwelpen quarantine wet, iangahki overtime ong tohn doadoahk en Pohnpei state government kan.  Pohnpei oh FSM Task Force me patohwen tehk anahn akan iangahki tohn doadoahk mwohn irail pwukat eh patohlong nan quarantine, Island Palms Hotel.  Wasa wet doadoahk ong irail pwukat pwehn dehr kalohmwat de kapwanda sapwelimen Pohnpei kosondi en repatriation de ketkihlongodo irail akan me tengalahr weihn liki kan nin duwen me miehier. Irail akan me quarantine Island Palms Hotel kapidohi sangehr nan wasahn quarantine ni June 9, 2022 mwurin keriau en test ah keimwiseklahr oh koaros negative. On June 9, 2022 after testing negative twice (day 2 and day 5) the 13 U.S. Navy Seabees and 2 FSMNG employees were released from quarantine.   Ni June 9, 2022, U.S. Navy Seabees 13 oh tohn doahdoahk en FSM government 2 patowen kapidohi ehr sang nan quarantine me patpato Island Palms hotel.  Iraihl Seabees oh tohn doadoak en FSM government patowen test ehr pak riau nan quarantine oh sansal me sohte mwesen COVID-19 rehrail.     President Panuelo leaves during quarantine President Panuelo patohdahsang Pohnpei nan eh tungoal ansoun quarantine On Sunday, June 5, 2022, the Chairman of the Pohnpei Readiness and Response Commission (PRRC) Norleen Deorio received an official communication from the Acting Secretary of Health, Moses Pretrick, that FSM President, H.E. David W. Panuelo, who was undergoing home quarantine at the time would be leaving for Fiji on the same day for an important