Enginkehlap News Excerpts August 28 – September 4, 2020

These are news Excerpts from the Office of the Governor for the week of August 28 – September 4, 2020

Enginkehalp News Excerpts in the Pohnpeian language can be found at the foot of the page

  1. On August 31, 2020, Director of the Department of Education (DOE), Mr. Stanley Etse informed Governor Oliver, Lt. Governor Perman, and the COVID-19 Task Force that public school schedules have been modified, following the implementation of an action plan that was developed by DOE to address social distancing and put into action.  Following the implementation, teachers, administrators, and DOE personnel recommended the following changes to school schedules:


            Grade Hours
Early Childhood Education Centers (ECE) to 2nd Grade 8:00 am – 11:30 am
3rd to 4th Grade 8:00 am – 12:15 pm
5th to 8th Grade 12:15 pm – 4:30 pm


Grade School Day
9th Grade Monday/ Niehd
10th Grade Tuesday/Niare
11th Grade Wednesday/Niesil
12th Grade Thursday/Niepeng
Period High School Time
1st 8:30 -10:00 A.M.
2nd 10:00 -11:30 A.M.
Lunch 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.
3rd 12:30 – 2:00 P.M.
4th 2:00 – 3:30 P.M.


Students are provided email addresses and telephone numbers of their teachers and encouraged to contact their teachers for assistance with school assignments.  Computer labs are open for students to access during the week.

2. The Department of Public Safety, headed by Mr. Patrick Carl, is assisting the Madolenihmw Student Organization (MSO) in their community service activities for Fall 2020. MSO members have started a beautification program to clean and repaint nine (9) bus stops in Madolenihmw. MSO is also painting crosswalks.  With the help of Captain Ricky Rodriguez, Detective Jeffrey Ching, and Police Officer I Ronie Pablo to provide the required specifications for painting crosswalks, safety, and traffic control, MSO has already cleaned, repainted and beautified bus stops in Sections 1, 2, and 3 of Madolenihmw.  The activities will take place every Saturday until September 19, 2020.

3. Micronesia Clean-Up Day will be observed for one week from August 31 – September 12, 2020. Governor Oliver signed a Proclamation declaring Pohnpei’s participation in the Micronesia Clean Up campaign to be held on September 12, 2020.  Executive Officer of Pohnpei State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mr. Susaia and Governor Oliver discussed activities for this week to promote regular cleaning and maintenance of our resources and infrastructure. Activities included, at the state government level, to have a department or office “adopt” an area to clean and be allowed time to clean up this area with EPA inspecting and providing technical assistance.  Details on activities for Micronesia Clean-Up Day will be provided by EPA through the Governor’s Office in the coming week.

4. On September 1, 2020, Governor Oliver and Lt. Governor Perman met with the Board of Directors and management staff of the Small Business Guarantee Finance Corporation (SBGFC). The purpose of the meeting was to update Governor Oliver and the executive branch on the current status of SBGFC. SBGFC is a state-owned subsidiary corporation situated under the Department of Resources and Development.  This was the first meeting between SBGFC and the Oliver/Perman administration.  Thomas Pablo, Executive Director of SBGFC led the update.  The SBGFC was created by state law to strengthen private sector development.  SBGFC not only provides or secures the financial capital needed for business development but also to build the capacity for business owners and entrepreneurs.

5. On September 3, 2020, Governor Oliver, Director of the Department of Resources and Development, Mr. Hubert Yamada, and Chief of Agriculture, Mr. Mark Kostka met with officials from Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MASHAV on a Zoom virtual conference call. The purpose of the call was to follow up on the virtual launch of the Israel-Pacific Food Alliance on July 2, 2020, and further work towards receiving technical assistance in Agriculture through virtual means.  Also, the Agricultural specialists asked questions to gain more information on Pohnpei’s Agricultural needs.   During this virtual meeting, H.E. Tibor Shalev-Schlosser, Israeli Ambassador to the FSM and Pacific Island States thanked Governor Oliver, who is also Honorary Consul for the State of Israel, for the continued cooperation and support of this food alliance.

  1. Department of Health and Social Services COVID-19 Situation Report # 42 September 1 – 4, 2020
COVID19 numbers/ Nempehkan Confirmed/ Kamehleler New/kapw Deaths/sipala de mehkilahr
Global/Sampah 26,074,609 1,023,431 864,153
Hawaii 9,202 863 79
Guam 1,560 281 13
CNMI (Saipan) 57 1 2


In Guam, according to the Pacific Daily News, Governor Lou Leon Guerrero has reported the14th COVID-related death on September 4, 2020, and stay-at-home order extended to Sept. 11, 2020, for all of Guam.

In Hawaii, Honolulu Civil Beat reports that the Hawaii Civil Defense Authority reported On Thursday, 227 active cases — by far the most ever for the island at one time. Civil Defense has specifically raised concerns about large gatherings in East Hawaii, noting in an Aug. 23 bulletin that “health data shows the majority of these new cases have been identified as Hilo-based gatherings where people failed to practice preventive measures.”


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