November 25, 2020

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Micronesia Conservation Trust and Japan Embassy Handover Tanks and Supplies

On November 17, 2020, Governor Oliver welcomed Micronesia Conservation Trust Executive Director, Mr. William Kostka, and Japanese Ambassador to the FSM, H.E. Hidenobu Sobashima at the Governor’s conference room for a handover ceremony of eight (8) 1,600-gallon water tanks totaling USD $20,000 for Kapingamarangi drought relief donated by the Association for the Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC) and over USD $13,000 worth of equipment from the U.S. Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) through a grant to MCT and the Invasive Species Taskforce of Pohnpei (ISTOP) to assist the conservation and invasive species eradication efforts in Pohnpei. Mr. Kapilly Capelle, the Special Assistant to the Governor, opened the ceremony with a prayer of giving thanks and blessings.  The Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Billston Charley, then invited Mr. William Kostka for a remark afterward. Director Kostka stated that the purpose of the gathering was two-fold, one is to provide assistance to the people of Kapingamarangi for a drought relief that they are currently experiencing, through the eight (8) 1,600-gallon water tanks donation from the $20,000 APIC donation, the Association for Promotion of International Corporation (APIC) in Japan.  Second, MCT also donated $13,513.89, through the US Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) worth of equipment and supplies to assist Pohnpei State with invasive species eradication and conservation enforcement efforts. Japanese Ambassador to the FSM, H.E. Hidenobu Sobashima, delivered his remarks by first highlighting the historic bonds between the FSM and Japan, and the continuing assistance not only from the Government of Japan but also from private organizations in Japan wanting to help the people of FSM, like APIC.  APIC donated $20,000 to MCT for the procurement of the water tanks.  Ambassador Sobashima concluded by saying he hoped these donations will continue, like many others, as symbols of friendships between our two nations. Governor Reed B. Oliver conveyed his thanks on behalf of a grateful Pohnpei State and People to Executive Director Kostka and Ambassador Shobashima for the generous donations made.  He noted MCT’s donation through OIA to help maintain and enhance operations with the Office of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Department of Public Safety, Division of Fish and Wildlife, and Department of Resources and Development,  Division of Agriculture.  He called attention to a meeting before the ceremony where the Kapingamarangi Task Force and Assessment team provided reports on the outcome of a recent trip, the second, to provide much-needed food and water and supplies to Kapingamarangi, and thanked Ambassador Sobashima and Executive Director Kostka for the tanks that will help relief and recovery efforts.  He recognized and thanked the lead agency for the relief efforts, the Department of Resources and Development, Director Hubert Yamada, and Kapingamarangi Senator Kasinda Ludwig as well as the members of the recently returned assessment team.    

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Joint Leadership Meeting with presentations by FSMTC, FSMT Cable Corporation and NORMA

On November 19, 2020, at 10:00 am Governor Oliver, Lt. Governor Perman, and Cabinet members, the leadership of the Executive Branch,  joined  Vice Speaker Edwin, representing Speaker Lambert, Floor Leader Miguel, and seven other honorable members of 10th Pohnpei Legislature and several Local Chief Executives and welcomed the policy representatives and management of  FSM Telecommunications Corporation and the National Oceanic Resource Maritime Authority (NORMA) and management staff of the FSMT Cable Corporation/ Open Access Entity (OAE)  in the Governor’s Conference for a Joint State Leadership meeting.  The Joint State Leadership Meeting included presentations by FSMTC CEO/President, Mr. Fredy Perman, Open Access Entity FSMT Cable Corporation, Mr. Gordon Segal, and Executive Director of NORMA, Mr. Eugene Pangelinan.   Governor Oliver welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with short remarks, clarifying the purpose of the meeting was “not to debate and interrogate but to educate and consult for services to our people to continue and improve.” CEO/President of FSMTC, Mr. Fredy Perman started the presentations with the background of FSMTC from its creation in 1981 to the 2014 Telecommunications Act, creating the open access entity FSMT Cable Corporation and Telecommunication Regulation Authority (TRA),  to liberalize telecommunications in the FSM to the current issues and challenges facing FSMTC.  Mr. Gordon Segal from the Open Access Entity (OAE) FSMT Cable Corporation gave a presentation to inform the leadership of the OAE’s background, responsibilities, and challenges in terms of liberalization in line with the 2014 Telecommunications Act.   Executive Director of NORMA, Mr. Eugene Pangelinan gave the final presentation accompanied by Ms. Camille Movick-Inatio, business economist, and Mr. Florian Yatilman from the FSM Department of Resources and Development. The presentation shared specific points specific to Pohnpei of a draft FSM fisheries policy that aims to leverage the current vessel day scheme (VDS) to develop onshore fisheries facilities.   As part of closing remarks, Floor Leader McGarry Miguel thanked Governor Oliver for the opportunity to have the Legislative and Executive branches of the Government come together with the Municipal Chiefs to hear these important presentations that will better inform all decision-makers at all levels of Government to continue to improve the lives of the people of Pohnpei.

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