On Monday, January 11, 2021, T.H. Reed B. Oliver, Governor of Pohnpei State, and T.H. Feliciano M. Perman, Lieutenant Governor, met with the Director of the Department of Education (DOE), Mr. Stanley Etse, and members of his staff to discuss the upcoming proposed Student Takeover Day and Education Week. 

Ms.Ilany Abraham, Student Specialist, gave a presentation explaining the process involved to make Student Takeover Day a reality.  Ms. Abraham said that host/employers have been contacted to participate.  This year, host/employers will be Government Offices and plans are to expand to the private sector in the following years.  Both public and private schools will be included, and DOE staff will visit high schools to recruit high school seniors based on academic performance and leadership qualities. Once the students are identified, consent letters will be sent to parents.  Principals will be advised of any updates leading up to Student Takeover Day, scheduled for February 23, 2021.  

Mr. Anthony Ligohr, Acting Chief of Curriculum, shared that Education Week will be held from January 25 – 29, 2021.  During Education Week, teachers, students as well as DOE staff will be recognized and rewarded for their performance. Teachers and Principals of the Year will be recognized during Education Week as well.   

Governor Oliver thanked Ms. Abraham, Director Etse, and staff for their presentations on Student Takeover Day and Education Week.  Governor expressed his thanks for programs that get our young people involved, to inspire them, and guide them to what their interests are, for their futures.  He noted that he met recently with the 10th Pohnpei State’s Legislature Committee to Wait on the Governor, and mentioned the Student Takeover Day, and expected that the Legislature will participate with this program. Also, he looked forward to making Student Takeover Day an annual occurrence endorsed through legislation.  

Also joining Director Etse was the Chief of Secondary Education, Mr. Jolden Lipai, Chief of Elementary Education, Mr. Peter Ramirez, DOE Public Information Officer, Mr. Ricky Higgins, Chairman of Board of Education, Mr. Grilly Jack, Board members: Ms. Phyllis Silbanuz and Franky Edward.   



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