Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Enginkehlalp News 8-21

1.Courtesy (Farewell) call by WHO Country Liaison Governor On Monday, February 22, 2021, Governor Oliver received a courtesy call from the World Health Organization (WHO) Country Liaison Officer, Dr. Eunyung Ko.  Governor Oliver welcomed Dr. Ko and her colleagues from the WHO office in Palikir, Mr. Semeson Ehpel, and Mr. Ben-Jackson Amor. Dr. Ko informed Governor Oliver that the courtesy visit was really a farewell visit.  Dr. Ko will be leaving Pohnpei after almost five years as the Country Liaison Officer (CLO) for her next posting in Vanuatu.  During their brief conversation, Dr. Ko encouraged the continued vaccination of Pohnpei residents with the MODERNA COVID-19 vaccine that is currently available to all individuals 18 years and older. Governor Oliver thanked Dr. Ko and her colleagues for their visit, expressing his sadness at her leaving and thanking her for many years of service to Pohnpei, especially at the community level.  He recalled her important work with the community dispensaries and all the important technical/medical knowledge she has provided over the years, especially in the last year with the COVID-19 pandemic.  Governor Oliver assured Dr. Ko vaccination efforts will continue as the public becomes more informed of the benefits and minor side effects.    2. Governor Oliver attends ECE Parent’s Literacy Day Workshop Opening On Tuesday, February 23, 2021, Governor Oliver delivered the keynote address for the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Parent’s Literacy Day Workshop at the Kolonia-China Friendship Gymnasium. The theme for this year is “Early Moments Matter” or in Pohnpeian “Kesempwal en kaihanda mwadang”.  Accompanying Governor Oliver was Student Takeover Day Governor, Mr. Aike Solomon. After an opening prayer by Rev. Dahker, Chair of the Board of Education, Mr. Grilly Jack delivered opening remarks.  He acknowledged the importance of the workshop’s theme, and especially literacy for education, apologizing because he was not fully prepared to deliver remarks that day.  Governor Oliver’s remarks highlighted the importance of literacy, especially at an early age and starting at home into school and beyond.  He shared the literacy rates in the FSM  which showed a decrease in literacy and noted that a current assessment of literacy rates is still being undertaken.  With the next day being Sokehs Rebellion Day, Governor Oliver took an event from Pohnpei’s history to signify the importance of literacy.  He related the story of two Pohnpeian men carrying a message to the colonial authorities at the time of the Sokehs Rebellion.  The message, when received, would set events in motion that would seal the fate of Soumada en Sokehs, the leader of the Sokehs Rebellion and 15 other Pohnpeians.  Governor Oliver asked, how much of a difference would it have made if the two messengers could read the message they were relaying?  Would they have delivered it? We will never know, but the history of Pohnpei could have been irrevocably changed were it not for literacy, or being able to read.  He later introduced Student Takeover Day Governor Aike Solomon who also addressed the crowd and wished all the participants all the best in their workshop. 3. Student Takeover Day 2021 On Tuesday, February 23, 2021, the Pohnpei State Department of Education hosted the first Student Takeover Day for the Pohnpei State Government. 21 high school seniors from PICS High School, Our Lady of Mercy High School, Madolenihmw High School, Calvary Christian Academy, Nanpei Memorial High School, Ohwa Christian Academy, Pohnpei Catholic School, and Seventh Day Adventist High School participated.  The program of events started at 8:00 AM in the morning at the Governor’s Conference Room.  There, the students assembled and were given a brief orientation before being taken to their employers/offices.  With such a variety of workplaces, each student’s activities varied from office to office, but the objective was to give young people a chance to walk in the steps of their host employers for just a day to “experience what being a leader and decision-maker feels like”.  After spending the day with their host/employers, the students returned to the Governor’s Conference Room at 3 pm to close out the first Student Takeover Day and receive certificates of appreciation, congratulations, and words of encouragement.  As the keynote speaker, Governor Oliver noted the historical significance of this day, as the first Student Takeover Day for the Pohnpei State Government.  He shared some of his activities that day with Student Governor Aike Solomon that included attending an ECE Parent’s Literacy Workshop and visiting Legislature to watch Student Speaker Leilani Jade Lane presiding.  He then spoke of two noted leaders of Pohnpei State, the late Speaker Ambros Senda and the current Lt. Governor Feliciano Perman who dared to dream as young students to be leaders of their State.  He closed by requesting that each of the 21 students pass on the torch that has been lit today to lead our people into the future and shared his vision of passing legislation to make Student Takeover Day a recurring and fully supported event each year. Governor Oliver thanked Director Etse and the Department of Education for their hard work and dedication to make this day possible. Speaker of the 10th Pohnpei State Legislature, T.H. Ausen T. Lambert addressed the students asking for their assistance as the future of our State.  He shared a quote by Winston Churchil, “Never give up, never give up and never ever give up”.  He said Pohnpei needs you and looks forward to seeing you look after the affairs of the Pohnpei State Government.   Also included in the program were two of the Department of Education’s external partners, IOM-Micronesia and UNICEF.  Chief Nathan Glancy shared IOM’s mission and purpose in Micronesia and also encouraged the students who receive their advanced degrees abroad to return home and serve their people.  UNICEF Chief Mission, Mr. Cromwell Bacarezza, interacted with the students with questions, gifts, and a story about believing in yourself and others, pledging water tanks to the school with the most enthusiastic responses. Director of Education, Mr. Stanley Etse closed the Student Takeover Day.  He thanked the students,