Iren Kaweid Sang Ohpis en Kepina oh Ohpis en Attorney: Public Advisory from the Office of the Governor and Office of the Attorney General
Iren Kaweid sang Ohpis en Kepina oh Ohpis en Attorney General: Pwehki ansou kiset kitail ketket na irair en El Ninio, isihs wie mwekid keper nan irair en ansou kiset, Office en Kepina oh office en AG men wia ketemen de Reminder to the General Public, me mie kossoned me apwalih, reckless burning, oh Arson, price control. Eri iet mesen kosonned akan Title 39 en Pohnpei Code Section 3, subsection 104 – pidada inapwdihn kepweilaudlahn pweinen dipwisou. Nan keieu en sale de netinet en dipwisou kan me pekederlongodo sang liki, kosonned wiawidahr oh ruwese irail soun netinet kan ren kapatahieng ire pwukat nan pweinen dipwisou kan: Isepen de pweinen ehu ehu dipwisou ni eh alahlda Isepen peidaid en dipwisou kan nansapw oh pweinen pekederlongodo Insurance Tax kan Oh iangahki wen percent me kapatpatehng sohte laudsang wen percent 50. Ah nan keriau en sale de netinet en dipwisou de kepwe pwukat te, koasoandi pil wiawidahr me ruwese soun netinet kan ren netiki dipwisou kan ni wen pweipwei me sohte pahn sipele wen percent 20. Met iei ong dipwisou kante me doadoahk ni tepin netinet me kawehwepe sansalehr powe. Title 39 en Pohnpei Code Section 3-Subsection 107 – pidada kalokopen ni wiepen kopwung en ohlahn pwuhng de civil penalties. Met ruwese me soun netinet men me sohte idawen kosonned me sansalehr pahn kopwurpwursang eh tungoal pwuhng oh manaman en netiki kepwe oh ni ansouwohte, e pil pahn pwukoahkihdi pwainla wen pweipwei me buyer de sounpwainda kan pwainkihier dipwisou me e netikihla. Patehngete met, kosonned ruwese me soun netinet menet pahn pil pwukoahkihdi pwainla pahn pak siluh laudsang wen me soun pwaindahu pwainkihda dipwisou ko. Nan soangen irair wet, buyer de aramas me pwainda dipwisou-o sohte anahne refund de kepwukoahki soun netinet o ohlahn dipwisou de kepwe me e pwain-o. Oh commission de ohpis me apwahpwalih business en netinet-o pil tungoalenki manaman de pwuhng en kepwukoahki soun netinet o sapwungalahn wiepen pweipwei de netinet me kapehsedahr. Mwohni koaros me ohpis wet rikada pahn uhd nekinekdi nan sapwellimen wein Pohnpei kopwou lap. Title 39 Pohnpei Code Section 3 Subsection 108 – pidada kalokolok en dihp. Mehmen me dierekda kasapwungehla kosonned me kokoudahr pahn pwukoahkihdi pwain wen tala 500 de selidi erein sounpar ehu de kapatapene. Netinet ieu me sohte idawen pwungin isais de pweipwei wiahier ehu iren kadip ong kawehla kosonned. Pwehn kalipwe dahme sansalehr, customer de soun pwainda kepwe men tungoalenki pwuhng en wiahda complain, refund de kapwurehdo ah tungoal sent ma e kolokol ah tungoal receipt. Ah ma re sohte wia met pwehki kahrepe ah ohpis pahn patohwanla mwohni-o nan kopwou lap en nekinek. Ma mie sapwellimomwi iren keinemwe, kalelapak de report ah komw kupwur kalahngan wehwehdo Ohpis en Kepina ni telephone nempe 320-2235 de Ohpis en Attorney General ni telephone nempe 320-2356. ————————————————————————————————————————————- A reminder to the general public of existing laws, previously shared on reckless burning, arson and now price control as we are experiencing dry weather conditions due to the El Nino phenomenon and are under an emergency declaration. 39 Pohnpei Code Section 3, subsection 104. Limitation on price. In the instance of the first sale within Pohnpei of any item that has been imported from outside the state, the seller may include the following items in his price to the buyer, and no others: cost of the goods; actual charges for inland and overseas freight; insurance; import taxes or duties; and a sum not greater than fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the goods. In the instance of a second or subsequent sale of the same item within Pohnpei, the subsequent seller shall not charge a price to the buyer which is more than twenty percent (20%) greater than the price paid or promised to be paid by the seller for the item. 39 Pohnpei Code Section 3 subsection107. Civil penalties. Any seller of an item imported into Pohnpei who shall violate any of this chapter or any regulation issued hereunder may be required to void the sale and refund the price paid by the buyer, or refund the illegal portion of the price paid by the buyer. In addition thereto, the seller may be required to pay triple the amount of the illegal part of the price to the buyer. In the event the buyer shall not request any refund of damages, the Commission may order the seller to pay the illegal part of the price to the Commission. All funds collected by the Commission shall be deposited in the general fund of Pohnpei. 39 Pohnpei Code Section 3 subsection108. Criminal penalties. Any person who violates any of this chapter or any regulations issued hereunder, or who willfully falsifies or refuses to produce the records required hereunder shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $500, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each sale at an illegal price or falsification or refusal to produce records shall be a separate offense. Customers/buyers are encouraged to report any abuse of these regulations and keep receipts of items bought. If you have any questions or comments or would like to report, please call 320-2235, or 320-2356 the Office of the Attorney General.