July 2020

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Pohnpei State COVID19 Task Force Updates

Pohnpei State COVID19 Task Force Updates:   1. Pohnpei Transportation Authority (PTA) continues ongoing work at the Medical Monitoring Area in Dekehtik, focusing on filling and leveling the ground to accommodate isolation units to be used for quarantine. The PTA Commissioner, along with T&I, PPA and PUC, are working with the Task Force to complete this project on time for the repatriation of our residents. 2. The repatriation of any human remains will only be allowed for non-COVID19 related deaths and subject to the Task Force’s procedures, protocols, and HR guideline requirements that include the following:   Copy of passport deceased   Copy of Death Certificate or information extract from a hospital setting   Copy of Bill of Lading   If available:   Copy of Embalming Certificate   Copy of Postmortem nasopharyngeal swab (PMNPS) specimen result for COVID-19 (if collected)   Requirements also include the submission of an application for a Certificate of Importation of Human Remains, to be issued by the Director of Health & Social Services. The application is available and can be found on the Pohnpei State Government website.     For more information on these updates, please call the Public Information Office at 320-2235 or email: pohnpeipublicinformation@gmail.com.

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

SUMMARY of LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION 30-20 AMENDING CONSTITUTIONAL EMERGENCY ORDER 20-03 on exceptions for International Travel and Interstate Travel

On July 24, 2020, the Tenth Pohnpei State Legislature adopted Legislative Resolution (LR) 30-20 amending Pohnpei Constitutional Order 20-03.  The resolution, under paragraph 6, subparagraph iii allows exceptions with respect to international travel granted on a case by case basis into the state of Pohnpei  from “Pacific Insular areas determined by the Governor to be very low-risk jurisdictions for COVID-19 infection.”  These are the exceptions listed in the resolution:   Certified health experts, technicians and workers assigned to assist the Pohnpei Government or the FSM National Government with respect to COVID-19;   Stranded Pohnpei resident students who have been studying abroad   Stranded Pohnpei resident medical patients referred abroad, including if applicable, their medical or family attendants;   Crew members of open-sea fishing vessels who are citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia   The remains of deceased Pohnpeians and deceased residents of Pohnpei who may be accompanied by not more than five members of the immediate family of the deceased.   Admittance into Pohnpei shall be recommended by the Pohnpei COVID19 Task Force in consultation with the FSM National Task Force and shall be subject to all screening, quarantine, and isolation procedures and protocols of Pohnpei State.   All travelers shall first obtain a Certificate of Qualified Entry into the State of Pohnpei, which shall be issued by the Director of Health Services.  The certificate may be issued over a secured internet server. The Director shall ensure there is sufficient room at the Medical Monitoring Area in Dekehtik to accommodate incoming travelers.   The Public will be updated when the certificate of qualified entry will be made available.   LR 20-30 further allows interstate travel for the following categories:   Essential personnel People returning to the state of residence/employment As long as there are no confirmed cases of COVID19 within the state traveling from and where the traveler will be disembarking If there are confirmed cases, then requirements will be the same as international travel. To view the full Legislative Resolution, please click the link below: L.R. No. 30-20 For further information please call the Public Information Officer at 320-2235 or email: pohnpeipublicinformation@gmail.com

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

PAKAIR/ANNOUNCEMENT from FSM Social Security Administration

  Pakair sang FSM Social Security Administration, Pohnpei Branch ong koaros me kin ketiki sapwelimamwail imwin sounpwong ni Ohpis en Social Security.  Patodahn check en imwin sounpwong en July pahn tepida Niare, July 28, 2020, kuloak duwahu ni-menseng (9:00 AM). Ong koaros me kin ketiki nan Posto, nan Bank de ni Institution teikan, wasa me kupwuramwail ketin kilelehdier en ketki ie, pahn ketiki Nialem, July 31, 2020. Pwehki Pohnpei ah ketket nan irair en doare soumwahu COVID-19, Ohpis en Social Security, Pohnpei Branch pil pekpekihte wiawihdahn sapwelimamwail bank account de pwuhk en Bank pwe sahpis en direct deposit me konehng nan ansou apwal wet.  Mwuri, komwi anahne pwarodo ansou mwadang ni Ohpis en Social Security oh audehda “Change of Address” Form. Komwi pil anahne ketkihdo sapwelimomwi daropwehn bank me iei (Bank Receipt), de pwuhken Bank de bank statement me kadedehda me mwaromwi me pato pohn account wet.  Ma mie sapwelimomwi iren kalelapak, a komwi wehwehdo pwehki ehu pene en kak mie. Komw kak eker delepwohn nempe 320-2709 de 320-2181 de email address:  pohnpeissa@mail.fm *************************************************************** This announcement is to inform all FSM Social Security Monthly beneficiaries who obtain their benefit checks at the Pohnpei SS Branch Office, please be informed that issuance of monthly benefit checks will begin on Tuesday, July 28, 2020. For those who obtain their monthly pensions at the Banks, Post Office, and other Institutions, availability of their pensions shall be on Friday, July 31, 2020. We humbly ask that beneficiaries without accounts take the responsibility now to apply up Bank Accounts in order to accommodate the restrictions as to the pandemic as we try to follow strategies to be COVID-19 free. Furthermore, when the account is fixed, please visit the Branch Office for completion of the “Change of Address” form, and present the Bank Receipt, or the Bank Book, or Bank statements that indicate ones possession of the account. Kindly observe and respect the pre-cautions for COVID-19 so that distribution days will go smoothly and peacefully. Kalahngan en kupwur koaros  

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

USCG Search and Rescue Aircraft lands in Pohnpei

Yesterday, July 13, 2020, seven crew members from a United States Coast Guard C-130 aircraft landed in Pohnpei. The aircraft is in the area at the request of State and National Governments to conduct search and rescue operations for a fisherman reported lost at sea on Saturday. The aircraft will refuel and leave today, July 14, 2020. The crew of the aircraft, originating from Barbers Point, Oahu, HI were housed overnight at the Medical Monitoring Area (MMA) in Dekehtik. In accordance with Pohnpei’s Constitutional Emergency Order 20-03, paragraph 6, search and rescue assets are allowed to disembark within the immediate seaport or airport facilities in the performance of their duties provided that no contact is made and all required health preventive measures are fully complied with during their stay. Accordingly, the crew members were escorted in a separate vehicle by Pohnpei Port Authority officials to the MMA where they stayed overnight and returned to the tarmac in the same manner, i.e. no contact, for their flight this morning at approximately 9 AM. Kalanghan to the crew of the USCG C-130 Search and rescue aircraft and U.S. Embassy Kolonia for their assistance with the search and rescue operations.

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Constitutional Emergency Order 20-03

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Please refer to the posted document, Pohnpei’s Constitutional Emergency Order 20-03, signed July 11, 2020, by Governor Reed B. Oliver, declaring a continued state of emergency for the state of Pohnpei in response to the continuous and imminent threat of COVID-19. Unless revoked or amended sooner, this Constitutional Emergency Order is valid for a period of thirty (30) days counting from July 11, 2020 For further information, please leave a message, call the Public Information Officer at 320-2235 or email: pohnpeipublicinformation@gmail.com

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Enginkehlap News Excerpts June 29 to July 3, 2020

ENGINKEHLAP NEWS EXCERPTS   ENGINKEHLAP NEWS EXCERPTS FOR THE WEEK OF 29 June to July 3, 2020   On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, the Madolenihmw Municipal Government (MMG) COVID19 Task Force presented their COVID-19 response plan to Governor Oliver, Lieutenant Governor Perman, and the COVID-19 Task Force.  Chairman of the MMG Task Force, Mr. Stuard Penias, Meninkeder Lapalap, Mr. Petrick Ringlen, and Task Force member, Mr. Patterson Shed, Chairman of MMG’s Land and Natural Resources Committee gave an overview of the plan.  The plan covers Madolenihmw Municipal Government’s levels of readiness once a positive case is identified in Pohnpei and then, once a positive case is identified in Madolenihmw. Food Security plans incorporate Rice and Taro. The plan also highlights the importance of aligning state and municipal resources to protect and prepare the community through controlling movement in Madolenihmw, home isolation, and continuing critical public services. Governor Oliver thanked the MMG COVID19 Task Force for their presentation.  They are the second municipality to present their COVID19 response plan to the State Task Force. On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, Pohnpei Public Auditor, Iso-Nahnken U, Ihlen Joseph, and his staff visited Lieutenant Governor Perman, COVID-19 Task Force Chairman, Mr. Wincener David, Director of Finance and Administration, Ms. Christina Elnei and members of the State COVID-19 Task Force. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct an audit entrance conference.  The Pohnpei Public Auditor’s office will be conducting an audit on all COVID-19 expenditures from February to June 30, 2020.  Public Auditor Mr. Ihlen Joseph noted that this is a global movement that is occurring across many countries even in the Pacific to hold real-time audits to counter fraud, abuse, and waste of much-needed funds for COVID19 response efforts.  Governor Perman pledged to support the audit and noted that Pohnpei State Government continues to meet all requirements set by Financial Management Regulations even during this crisis. On Wednesday, July 1, 2020, from the Department of Resources and Development, led by Mr. Hubert Yamada, a group of approximately 20 farmers from the Lenger Island Partnership Guaranteed System held their first local produce sale. On May 15, 2020, with a $200 donation provided through the Micronesian Conservation Trust from a family in the USA, and technical support from Pohnpei State’s Resources and Development’s Division of Agriculture, the Farmers started planting seeds.  After an additional visit by Chief of Agriculture, Mr. Mark Kostka, to provide further training to transplant the seedlings to the ground, the group was able to sell all their local produce on 1 July 2020 within minutes at the Pohnpei Public market generating $600. The Division of Agriculture under the Department of Resources and Development provides information and technical assistance to farmers to improve crop and livestock production.   COVID19 update:  There are no COVID19 cases in FSM, RMI or Palau, due to total bans on disembarkation of passengers from COVID19 infected countries.   According to the Pohnpei State Department of Health COVID19 Situation Report #25 for July 4 – 6, 2020, these are the global and regional COVID-19 numbers:     Location Confirmed Cases New cases Deaths Global 11,304,534 211,352 531,659 Hawaii 999 82 19 Guam 288 40 5 CNMI 31 1 2   Two news articles in Hawaii, have noted that Pacific Islanders in Hawaii, including Micronesians, make up 4 percent of the population but account for 23 percent of all COVID19 cases.  The articles note that the communal style of living, contributes to the high infection rate among the Pacific Islanders, including Micronesians, in Hawaii.   For any questions or comments on these stories, please call the Public Information Officer at 320-2235 or email: pohnpeipublicinformation@gmail.com  

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Weekly Updates from Pohnpei State Government Departments, Offices and Agencies

Weekly updates from Pohnpei State Government Departments, Offices and Agencies submitted to the Governor’s Office:   From the Director of the Department of Land, Wasahi Sokehs, Mr. Peter Lohn: Under the Division of Historic Preservation local senior citizens in U and Madolenihmw have been contacted to collect Oral Histories of Pohnpei for a public awareness program on V6AH. The program will not only help preserve culture and heritage, but also inform our younger generations about our rich and unique history. Under the Division of Public Land: Inspection of dredging sites continues in Eir Sokehs, Dien Kitti, Metipw, Mesihsou, and Ohwa, Madolenihmw to ensure proper protocol and procedures are being taken to protect our environment. From the Administrator of the Office of Transportation and Infrastructure, IsoNahnken of Madolenihmw, Mr. John Adolph: The following projects have been completed or close to complete by the Pohnpei Transportation Authority, headed by Commissioner Welson Panuel. Kurumw, U Paved Road upgrade -100 % – Completed Awak Pah, U Paved Road upgrade – 100 % – Completed Saladak, U Paved Road upgrade -100 % – Completed Sokehs Powe Paved Road Maintenance Project – 100 % – Completed Sokehs Pah Paved Road Maintenance Project – 100 % – Completed Diahdi, Kitti Paved Road Maintenance Project – On-going, 90% complete Rohi, Kitti Paved Road Maintenance Project – On-going, 90% complete The Office of T&I is still waiting for proposals from qualified Architectural and Engineering firms for the Pohnpei State Supreme Court proposed building design and layout.  Requests for proposals are due on July 10, 2020, at 5 pm. From the General Manager of Pohnpei Utilities Corporation (PUC) Nixon Anson: The PUC Board recently approved General Manager Report No. 19/2020 regarding a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between PUC and Nexus Energy Company of South Korea. The MOU allows for PUC to sell 130,000 gallons of used oil (refined oil) to Nexus Energy Company for an amount to be determined by both parties.  The sale and removal of the used oil will not only bring in revenue for PUC, but also remove the dangers of having so many flammable items at PUC’s power plant.   COVID-19 update:   An assessment was completed on June 19, 2020, to assess Pohnpei’s ability to receive returning residents from COVID-19 infected areas.  Dr. Eliaser Johnson from the FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs presented the findings to the Pohnpei State COVID-19 Task Force on June 23. The findings recommended a re-assessment to address the issues that were identified in the initial assessment before any decision will be made to allow residents to return to Pohnpei from COVID19 infected areas.  Both parties agreed to a reassessment on July 3, 2020.   There are currently no COVID-19 cases in the FSM, RMI, and Palau.  This is due to the total ban on the disembarkation of passengers from COVID19 infected countries.   In the entire USA, over 2.5 million confirmed cases and over 128K deaths reported from COVID-19.   As of July 2, 2020, in Guam, there have been a total of 280 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 5 deaths, 179 released from isolation, and 96 active cases.   In Hawaii, there are 926 confirmed cases and 18 deaths have been reported. In the state of Oregon, there are 9,300 confirmed cases and 211 deaths have been reported In the state of Utah, there are 23,466 confirmed cases and 176 deaths have been reported In the state of Missouri, there are 23,063 confirmed cases and 1,056 deaths have been reported Listen to the Enginkehlap Radio Program below:

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