SUMMARY of LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION 30-20 AMENDING CONSTITUTIONAL EMERGENCY ORDER 20-03 on exceptions for International Travel and Interstate Travel
On July 24, 2020, the Tenth Pohnpei State Legislature adopted Legislative Resolution (LR) 30-20 amending Pohnpei Constitutional Order 20-03. The resolution, under paragraph 6, subparagraph iii allows exceptions with respect to international travel granted on a case by case basis into the state of Pohnpei from “Pacific Insular areas determined by the Governor to be very low-risk jurisdictions for COVID-19 infection.” These are the exceptions listed in the resolution: Certified health experts, technicians and workers assigned to assist the Pohnpei Government or the FSM National Government with respect to COVID-19; Stranded Pohnpei resident students who have been studying abroad Stranded Pohnpei resident medical patients referred abroad, including if applicable, their medical or family attendants; Crew members of open-sea fishing vessels who are citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia The remains of deceased Pohnpeians and deceased residents of Pohnpei who may be accompanied by not more than five members of the immediate family of the deceased. Admittance into Pohnpei shall be recommended by the Pohnpei COVID19 Task Force in consultation with the FSM National Task Force and shall be subject to all screening, quarantine, and isolation procedures and protocols of Pohnpei State. All travelers shall first obtain a Certificate of Qualified Entry into the State of Pohnpei, which shall be issued by the Director of Health Services. The certificate may be issued over a secured internet server. The Director shall ensure there is sufficient room at the Medical Monitoring Area in Dekehtik to accommodate incoming travelers. The Public will be updated when the certificate of qualified entry will be made available. LR 20-30 further allows interstate travel for the following categories: Essential personnel People returning to the state of residence/employment As long as there are no confirmed cases of COVID19 within the state traveling from and where the traveler will be disembarking If there are confirmed cases, then requirements will be the same as international travel. To view the full Legislative Resolution, please click the link below: L.R. No. 30-20 For further information please call the Public Information Officer at 320-2235 or email: