Governor Oliver attended the opening ceremony for the newly renovated Department of Land building in Kolonia on Friday, March 25, 2022. Director of Land, Wasahi Sokehs, Mr. Peter Lohn welcomed all to the opening ceremony. He expressed his thanks to Governor Oliver, Speaker Yamaguchi, cabinet members, and the 10th Pohnpei State Legislature for their support to renovate the building that provides an important service for all Pohnpeians.
In Speaker Marvin T. Yamaguchi’s remarks, he spoke of the importance of land in the culture of Pohnpei and congratulated the Department of Land on behalf of the 10th Pohnpei State Legislature emphasizing the importance of Enginkehlap or working together moving forward. Governor Oliver gave the final remarks noting the previous state of condition of the building and spoke of the importance of the Department of Land to have a secure and safe building to serve the people of Pohnpei. He also noted that while the Department of Land has renovated their building, other Departments and Offices are also in the process of renovating their office buildings, like the Department of Public Safety and the Office of the Attorney General. He congratulated Director of Land, Wasahi Sokehs, on the completion of the much-needed renovation of the Department of Land building, thanking FSM Congress, Pohnpei State Legislature, Board of Public Lands, and the construction company Gonzalez construction for the renovation of the building.
An oversized key, symbolizing the key to the new building was turned over to Governor Oliver by Acting Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Administrator, Mr. Ricky Lebehn, and Engineer Mr. Sam Orejudos. Governor Oliver then presented the key to Director Lohn.
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Public Lands and Chief Justice of U Mrs. Antonia Primo-Moses, and Mrs. Mary Lohn, Director Lohn’s wife, cut the ribbon opening the new Department of Land building. Director of Land/Wasahi Sokehs Peter Lohn then gave Governor Oliver and Speaker Yamaguchi a guided tour of the newly renovated building
Also present during the ceremony was the Chairman of the Board of Public Lands Trust, Mr. John Nakanaga, member Mr. Max Lebehn, Member Mr. Patterson Shed, Chairman of Board of Land Surveyors Examiners, Mr. Marcelino Actoucka, Pohnpei Transportation Authority Commissioner Mr. Berney Martin, Senator Ricky Carl, Chief of Staff Kapily Capelle, Acting Attorney General Mona Abello-Pangelinan.


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