Cliff Rainbow Hotel, Pohnpei: May 9, 2023 – Governor Oliver attended the opening of the USAID clean cities, blue ocean pilot project workshop. A courtesy call made on Governor Oliver, May 8, 2023, by Mr. Roger Gardner and Mr. Renee Acosta from USAID informed and invited Governor Oliver to the workshop, in collaboration with the Pohnpei State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Kolonia Town Government.
Mr. Francisco Celestine, EPA Executive Officer delivered welcoming remarks U.S. Embassy Kolonia Charge’ d’Affaires, Ms. Alissa Bibb gave an overview of the clean cities, blue ocean program that aims to reduce plastic pollution in the Oceans and communities, develop capacities to improve solid waste management and help build behavioral change. The mayor of Kolonia Town, Hon. Betrigo Jacob, expressed gratitude on behalf of the Kolonia Town Government and advised all that Kolonia Town was locked and loaded to provide all the assistance required to move forward with the pilot project.
Governor Oliver delivered the final remarks of the day. He noted that on his way to the workshop, he witnessed Ohmine Elementary fifth-grade students picking up trash on the side of the road, and was very encouraged to see students taking ownership of the cleanliness of their community. He thanked the U.S. Embassy and USAID for their continued support and assistance with important local issues at the municipal level with Kolonia Town Government. He noted that behavioral change was not enough, but behavioral upbringing is needed, starting in the households. Governor Oliver closed with a challenge to walk the talk, and not talk the walk when it comes to keeping our oceans and communities clean and safe.


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