Enginkehlap News Excerpts 12-20 for the week of May 18 –  22, 2020

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Monday, May 18, 2020, Governor Oliver received a courtesy call from Mr. Shibata Shinji, JICA Micronesia Resident Representative. The purpose of Mr. Shinji’s visit was to bid farewell to Governor Oliver and inform him that his successor has been identified but will not be able to arrive until travel restrictions are lifted to enter Pohnpei.  In the meantime, Mr. Shinji assured Governor Oliver that JICA Micronesia will continue operations manned by three local staff.  Governor Oliver thanked Mr. Shinji and JICA Micronesia for their many years of support to Pohnpei.  

Monday, May 18, 2020, Governor Oliver convened a meeting to coordinate the construction and stand up of the Medical Monitoring Area (MMA) in Dekehtik.  The MMA, when completed, will house quarantine and isolation facilities for those who are returning to Pohnpei from COVID19 infected areas.  The meeting included members of the Pohnpei State COVID-19 Task Force and members of the Governor’s cabinet.  As Chairman for the Ad Hoc sub-committee of the COVID-19 Task Force, Lieutenant Governor Perman will lead coordination efforts to build up the MMA as soon as possible with the help of Pohnpei Port Authority (PPA), Pohnpei Utilities Corporation (PUC), Office of Transporation and Infrastructure, Department of Health and Social Services and Pohnpei Transportation Authority (PTA).   

Monday, May 18, 2020, COVID-19 Task Force chairperson, Dr. Marcelle Gallen, joined the US Ambassador to FSM, H.E. Carmen Cantor, and the U.S. Navy Seabees at the Medical Monitoring Area (MMA) in Dekehtik.  Dr. Gallen was there to receive the turnover of the latest shower/toilet facilities built by the U.S. Navy Seabees.  The next set of shower/toilet facilities are expected to be completed in two weeks.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2020, a joint leadership conference was held between the Executive Branch and the 10th Pohnpei State Legislature (PSL) at the Governor’s conference room.  The purpose of the joint conference was to discuss corporate land leases and other urgent issues.  At the conclusion of the conference, the 10th PSL pledged to work with the Executive Department on standardizing land lease rates for corporate and private businesses.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2020, Governor Oliver signed into law, Legislature Bill No. 62-20, which was passed by the 10th Pohnpei State Legislature appropriating an amount of $114,300.00 for the procurement of furniture and basic medical equipment to complete the Dispensary in Saladahk U Municipality.  The needed items will enable the Dispensary to open soon. 

A Memo was issued May 21, 2020, from the Governor’s office reminding Departments and Agencies in the Pohnpei State Government of the proper and legal use of Government vehicles.  The memo also designates the Lieutenant Governor to be in charge of vehicle permit requests.  The use of Government vehicles for other than official purposes is prohibited.    

On Friday, May 22, 2020, the Pohnpei State COVID-19 Task Force met with representatives from Pohnpei Catholic School and Calvary Christian Academy.  The school representatives came to ask the Task Force for permission to hold limited graduation ceremonies for their students.  They also presented graduation plans that are aligned with Pohnpei State’s advisory on public gatherings.  The Task Force thanked the school representatives for their request and were happy to allow the graduation ceremonies that will follow strict social distancing guidelines in line with Pohnpei State’s advisory on public gatherings. 


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