On Tuesday, January 11, 2022, Governor Reed B. Oliver and First Lady, Estle G. Oliver, attended the inaugural ceremonies of the 10th Nett District Legislature and District Administrator at the Nett District Government Offices.
The organization and selection of Speaker Wendolin, Vice Speaker Hadley, and Floor Leader Augustine of the Nett District Legislature along with the Chairmen of the standing committees took place first in the Nett District Legislature chambers. The inauguration of the Nett District Administrator took place after the Legislature ceremony outside the Nett District Government office.
In his inaugural address, District Administrator, the Honorable Daniel Edgar, welcomed all the dignitaries. He cited the constitution and laws of Pohnpei State and the Nett District Government as the basis for the work that has been done and will be done. He pledged to move forward with the work begun in the previous administration and to work for the benefit of the people of Nett. DistAd Edgar called for help, cooperation, and unity. IsoNahnken of Nett, Salvador Iriarte, closed the inaugural ceremony with a speech of guidance to the new administration to selflessly serve the people who elected them.
Congratulations to the new DistAd of Nett and the 10th Nett District Legislature.


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