The 2nd annual Student Takeover Day successfully concluded at the PICS gymnasium on Wednesday, February 24, 2022, with a ceremony to recognize the student leaders and employers. This year also saw more student participation including special remarks at the closing ceremony by Student Governor, the Honorable Ian Perman, student reflections by July-O Saimon, Prinet Richard, Isabella Sipos, JD Nelper, Jade Dawn Holiday, Kachaena Tolenoa, and Kathleen Dacanay, and closing remarks by the Student Director of the Department of Education, Ja’cy Wes Lukan.
In his closing remarks, Student Governor Perman said it was his honor to speak on behalf of Governor Oliver and conveyed gratitude and appreciation to the Department of Education for arranging the Student Takeover Day. He said the future of our country depends on the youth and this Student Takeover Day has helped to inspire, motivate and encourage the youth to be the best they can be. He closed by saying that he believed like him, most of the students that participated in this year’s Student Takeover Day will take the experiences they had to help them decide on a career path.
Congratulations to all the students and employers who participated in the 2nd annual student takeover day.


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