Governor Reed B. Oliver is at the 2nd Chief Executive Council in Yap State, joining forces with Speaker Yamaguchi and collaborating closely with President Wesley W. Simina, Speaker Esmond B Moses, and fellow State Governors. Together they will strategize and find innovative solutions on how to make the most of the amended compact fund contributions, fishing license fees revenue as a result of the 2023 constitutional convention referendum and mutual state and national priorities.
The discussions are not just about numbers; they’re about addressing immediate and pressing needs of our people. Governor Oliver and his counterparts are exploring ways to tackle challenges like salary increases, workforce attrition, and outmigration. These issues matter to all of us, and together, they’re working towards a brighter future for Pohnpei State and the rest of the nation.
Pohnpei State Attorney General Belsipa Mikehl-Isom, Director of Treasury and Administration, Christina Elnei and Financial Advisor Kelly Keller accompanied Governor Oliver and Legislature Legal Counsel Tom Beckman accompanied Speaker Yamaguchi.
Stay tuned for updates on this crucial initiative! #Enginkehlap #collaborationforchange


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