Kolonia, Pohnpei: April 5, 2024 – Governor Stevenson A. Joseph recently attended the retirement ceremony of Mr. Hermis Edmund, who dedicated 34 years of exemplary service as a Law Enforcement Officer. The ceremony, held to commemorate Mr. Edmund’s remarkable career, was a moving moment for reflection and appreciation.

Mr. Hermis Edmund embarked on his journey in law enforcement in 1989, starting as a Police Officer and gradually progressing through various roles including Detective, Chief of Police, and ultimately Chief of the Division of Fish and Wildlife under the Department of Public Safety. His unwavering commitment and dedication throughout his tenure have left an indelible mark on the law enforcement landscape of our community.

In his special remarks during the ceremony, Governor Stevenson A. Joseph, speaking on behalf of himself and Lt. Governor Ioanis, expressed heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the exemplary service rendered by Chief Edmund over the span of three decades. Governor Joseph underscored the invaluable contributions made by Chief Edmund towards upholding law and order, ensuring public safety, and protecting the welfare of citizens.

Furthermore, Governor Joseph announced his nomination of Mr. Hermis Edmund to serve as the Department of Public Safety Director in the Joseph/Ioanis administration, noting that his confirmation is still under review at Legislature. He called upon all present, including local chief executives and government officials, to extend their support towards confirming Mr. Edmund’s nomination, recognizing his competence and dedication to the cause of public service.

In his closing, Governor Joseph emphasized the crucial mandate entrusted to law enforcement officers – that of maintaining peace and safeguarding the lives of citizens, often at the risk of their own. He acknowledged the inherent challenges and dangers associated with their profession. He extended sincere thanks and appreciation on behalf of himself and Lt. Governor Ioanis for their unwavering commitment and sacrifice.

Among the guests in attendance were Associate Judge of Pohnpei State Court of Land Tenure Hon. Michael Nakasone, retired Law Enforcement Officers like IsoNahlaim Sokehs, Local Chief Executives, Chiefs of Local Police Departments, the Executive Director of the Conservation Society of Pohnpei, Mr. Eugene Joseph and local Representative of the OneReef a conservation NGO, Mr. Patterson Shed.

The retirement ceremony served as a fitting tribute to the remarkable career of Mr. Hermis Edmund, marking the culmination of his dedicated service to the community and the law enforcement fraternity


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