Kolonia, Pohnpei: April 4, 2024 – Lt. Governor Francisco L. Ioanis recently convened a significant meeting at his office with members of the Local Chief Executive Association along with cabinet members from various governmental departments. The purpose of the meeting was to deliberate on crucial initiatives and address pertinent matters concerning the state of Pohnpei.

Among the cabinet member attendees were Director Luciano Abraham from the Department of Land, Executive Officer Francisco Celestine from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Reynald Bardelas, Acting Commissioner of Pohnpei Transportation Authority, and Acting Director of Public Safety, Kehper Joel.

The focal point of the discussion was an initiative spearheaded by the EPA aimed at the removal of abandoned vehicles lining the primary roads across Pohnpei. Lt. Governor Ioanis stressed the importance of this endeavor for the betterment of the community and emphasized the need for collaborative efforts to ensure its successful implementation. The local chiefs were duly apprised of their pivotal role in extending support and assistance towards this significant undertaking.

In addition to deliberating on the EPA initiative, the agenda also included deliberations on the upcoming Micro Games scheduled to be held in June of this year in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The local chiefs raised Various concerns and queries about the event during the meeting. These questions will be addressed in a subsequent meeting with the Pohnpei Sports Council, as directed by Lt. Governor Ioanis.

The meeting proved to be an important platform for fostering fruitful dialogues and initiatives aimed at the progress and prosperity of Pohnpei State.


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