Author name: PIO

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

International Human Rights Day

Acting Director of the Department of Health and Social Services, Mrs. Norleen DeOrio, along with the Hon. Herolyn Movick, and Chief of Secondary Education, Mr. Jolden Lipai participated in an International Human Rights Day event to end the 16 days of Activism at Gonzaga Hall. Acting Director DeOrio joined a panel discussion on human rights issues that included Acting Secretary of the FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs, Moses Pretrick, Second Secretary Jasemine Altinkaya from the Australian Embassy, Capt Taylor Santos from the Salvation Army, and representatives from the Pohnpei State Department of Public Safety, US Embassy, and IOM. Students from Pohnpei High Schools were present and learned about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and gender equality issues. +

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Christmas Tree Contest

  Congratulations to the students and teachers who participated in the first Christmas Tree contest for Pohnpei High Schools! The winners were announced today at the Governor’s conference room. The Christmas trees were judged on their creativity, originality, uniqueness, materials used, and overall impact. The Christmas trees were made from recyclable materials. Before announcing the winners, Governor Oliver congratulated all the students for their hard work and creativity. He acknowledged the great work they accomplished and encouraged them to inspire and motivate their underclassmen to be as creative and innovative as they are. He also congratulated the Director of Education, Stanley Etse, and his staff for setting up the contest and thanked the judges for their participation. He shared a memory from his younger years, reflecting on the difference that teachers have made in all our lives. He closed by telling the students to be positive, to look forward because they are the future of Pohnpei, saying “if not you, then who? If not now, then when?” 1st Place: Pohnpei Catholic School (PCS) 2nd Place: Our Lady of Mercy High School (OLMCHS) 3rd Place: Nanpei Memorial High School (NMHS) 4th Place (TIE): Madolenihmw High School/Calvary Christian Academy 5th Place: PICS High School 6th Place: Ohwa Christian High School

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika


THANKSGIVING ADMIN LEAVE: In the spirit of celebrating Thanksgiving 2021, Governor Oliver hereby authorizes all Directors and Office/Agency heads to allow employees to take administrative leave in the afternoon of Thursday, November 25, 2021, while ensuring that all State Government essential services be attended to as a matter of priority PDF File Below: thanksgiving

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Anti-Bullying Campaign and Christmas Tree Lighting

FROM THE POHNPEI STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: ANTI-BULLYING CAMPAIGN AND CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING PARADE. THEME: BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS TOGETHER FOR ANTI-BULLYING “The Department of Public Safety wishes to invite the general public, individual or group to join us in this year’s campaign and parade on Anti-Bullying scheduled on the 3rd of December 2021 at 5 p.m. from the Spanish Wall to the Executive Building where a short program and remark from the Director of the Department of Public Safety and Government Leadership, thereafter the Lighting of the Christmas tree to welcome the coming of the Christmas Season. Interested party may pick up Registration form from the Dept. of Public Safety Office or inbox us your email address and we’ll send you the form. Should you have any questions please feel free to comment or inbox our fb page or email     Visit the Department of Public Safety’s Facebook page for more information on how to register:

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Governor Oliver attends Graduation Ceremony at the Department of Public Safety

Governor Oliver attended a graduation ceremony at the Department of Public Safety on Friday, November 5, 2021. The Director of the Department of Public Safety, Mr. Patrick Carl, delivered welcoming remarks and explained that 12 personnel were re-certified, 5 new certifications, and 3 volunteers completed an Emergency Responder Course taught by Instructor and Consultant from Guam, Mr. Darren Burrier. Additionally, a First Aid/CPR Instructor course was delivered with four instructors completing the course and teaching their first class to 10 Public Safety employees already. Click to view the ceremony: Instructor and consultant, Mr. Darren Burrier, delivered remarks before presenting certificates of completion with Governor Oliver, Director Carl, and Chief of Fire &Emergency Services Joseph Ainstain. He spoke of the firefighter’s increased knowledge and confidence, noting that their skills and level of proficiency shown during their training is something for Pohnpei to be proud of. He made special note of the three volunteers who completed the training course. Governor Oliver commended the firefighters, policemen, and volunteers for their hard work and dedication to complete the course. He reminded them all that they are entrusted with the public’s trust for emergency services and on behalf of the people of Pohnpei expressed deep appreciation and gratitude for their service. He also made special note of the volunteer’s time and dedication and for the families’ patience and understanding. A special award of service was presented to Mr. Kenio Harry, now retired, for his years of service as an Ambulance Driver. Mrs. Norleen Oliver Deorio presented the award on behalf of the Director of the Department of Health and Social Services. Firefighter Jimmy Edward was the Valedictorian of the class with Firefighter Sergeant Josen Villazon as the Salutatorian. Emergency Response Course (EMR) re-certificate: 1. Director Patrick Carl 2. Chief Joseph Ainstain 3. Captain Wendolin Lainos 4. Lt. Jason Gonzaga 5. Sgt. Antricko Amor 6. Sgt. Joson Villazon 7. Sgt. Wesley Ferdinand 8. Firefighter I Alfred Damarlane 9. Ambulance Driver (AD) Kostan Primo 10. AD Dalfred Perez 11. AD Benites Ponapart 12. AD Welly John New EMR Certificate: 1. Firefighter (FF) I Mike Lucas 2. FF I Jimmy Edward 3. FF I Logan Daniel 4. FF I Alray Cantero 5. FF I Fernando Atles Volunteer EMR certificate: 1. Pentura Kariti 2. Dwayne David 3. Stivick Jacob First Aid/CPR Instructor Course Certificate: 1. Director Patrick Carl 2. Chief Joseph Ainstain 3. Lt. Jason Gonzaga 4. FF I Mike Lucas First Aid and CPR Certificate: 1. Sgt Jermis Noket 2. PO I Jerren Herson 3. Detective Alvin Martin 4. Detective Brenson Rodriguez 5. Correction Officer Kenray Maino 6. Correction Officer Releen Helgenberger 7. Division of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) Sgt. Antonio Mallarme Jr. 8. DFT Lucas Ifamilik Jr. 9. Patrol Officer Jason Moya 10. Patrol Officer Jeffrey Ponapart Special Award: Mr. Kenio Harry

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Mehn Kahpese Me Pidada Repatriation

MEHN KAPEHSE ME PIDADA WIEPEN REPATRIATION Pakair ong weipokon. Pohnpei COVID-19 Emergency Task Force men patohwen kapehse ong tohn wehi me pidada wiepen ketkihlong de patohwanlong application en CQE de Certificate of Qualified Entry. Koaros me men sapahldo de pwurodo Pohnpei sang nan wein maslikin FSM kan pahn anahene audehda CQE Application form online ni link me pato ni Ohpis en Kepina website Ong kalelapak de mengihtik kan, komw kak kadar email ong de call 320-3109. Dahnge kan me anahne kapatapatieng nan application kan iei: 1. Kilel en Passport 2. Kilel en lahsin Passport Immigration stamp. 3. Kisin likoun doken silasil en COVID-19 ong irail akan me sounpar 18 patohda. 4. Kisin likoun kadehde sang skuhl ong irail tohn skuhl kan. 5. Me pil anahn ong me Medical Referral de soumwahu a) Kisin likoun seiloaki soumwahu, me rasehng LOA de Letter Of Authorization sang MiCare OH b) Kisin likoun imwenwini sang toahkte me kasalehda me kak kelehpw seiloak de me sohte kak kelehpw seiloak anahne en mie me pahn iangih pwehn sowese nan erein seiloak. En pil sansal me wiepen petehkpen CQE Application kan pahn idawehn koasoandi me pato nan Constitutional Emergency Order me wie manaman, ninduen eh keirekdi nan CQE Application pahn “Travel Category” de “Kahrepen Seiloak”. Mwurin application kan ahr pahn alahldi, Pohnpei COVID-19 Emergency Task Force pahn patohieng nan petehkpe kan oh patohwanda update kan nan email. See Translation

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Governor Oliver Administered Oath of Administration to Members of PTA and PPA

On Friday, November 5, 2021, Governor Oliver administered oaths of administration to Pohnpei Transportation Authority (PTA) Commissioner, Mr. Berney Martin, PTA board member, Mr. Baldesar Sardis and Pohnpei Port Authority board members, Mr. Mike Loyola and Mr. Joseph Saimon. Hon. Stevick A. Edwin, Speaker of the 10th Pohnpei State Legislature joined Governor Oliver to congratulate the Commissioner and Board members, reminding them of their important duties and responsibilities. Governor Oliver thanked the Speaker and Chairperson of the Public works, transportation and communication committee, Hon. Herolyn Movick for their support to confirm the Commissioner and new board members. Congratulations to the new Commissioner and board members!

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Special Election For Madolenihmw, Nett, Sapwuahfik ,and Pingelap

Governor Oliver hereby grants two (2) hours of administrative leave on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, to all legal residents of Sapwauhfik, Pingelap, Nett, and Madolenihmw who are Pohnpei State employees to cast their votes. Pohnpei State employees involved in the election will be granted eight hours of administrative leave. All Office Managers and Supervisors are to ensure that essential public services are not compromised.

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Nett Municipality Polling Place For Special Election on December 28,2021


Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Nett Special Election

AKAIR OHNG KOAROS TOHN WEIN NETT Pakair wet wiawidahr pwehn sekerehki Isohko, Pwoud Lepen Nett, Oloiso/Serisoh kan, soumas en kousapw akan, Distad, Sounkopwung, Speaker oh amwail tungoal tohn dodohk kan, Delegation en Nett nan Legislature oh Congress, oh tohn Wein Nett District unsek me eh kosondier sapwenlimemwail Usuhs Tohror ieu en wiawi ni December 28, 2021, pwehn audehda sapwenlimemwail sehr me tehndar nan Mwomwohd en Legislature Ke-eisek. Sapwenlimemwail Ohpis en Usuhs en Wein Pohnpei me pahn apwalih usuhs tohror wet ohng wein Nett men pakairki kosondihn dodohk pwukat: IRE KEIEU: Nomination Petition de kisin likouhn peki ien iang wia candidate langadahr Nialem, October 22, 2021, oh pahn ritidi Nialem, October 29, 2021, Kulok 12 Nilukepenpwong. IRE KERIAUH: Tohn usuhs en Wein Nett men me koukousong nan wehi teikan likin Pohnpei me men wia ah tungol usuhs nan mail kakehr pekihdo ah tungol usuhs tepda Nikaunop, October 23, 2021, oh pahn lel Niepeng, November 18, 2021. Pekipek wiawiheng candidate kan oh peneinei ren iang sawas kairehki tohn wein Nett kan me koukouson likin Pohnpei ire wet. IRE KESILUH: Mwurin nomination petition kan ah ritdier, background check ohng emen emen candidate kan pahn wiawi oh dodohk wet pahn tepda Monday, November 01, 2021, oh pahn imwsekla Nialem, November 05, 2021. Mwoalen Koapwung Ileile en Pohnpei oh FSM me kin pahkida dodohk kesemwpwal wet. IRE KAPAHIEU: Printing de ntingda oh katohtohlahng official oh specimen ballot kan pahn wiawi Niare, November 23, 2021. IRE KELIMAUH: Me pahn usuhs pwehki irail pahn seilok oh sohte pwuredo Pohnpei mwohn rahn en usuhso pahn kakehr ren wia arail tungol usuhs Rahnsarawi, November 28, 2021. IRE KEWENEUH: Kaskuhl de workshop kan ohng irail me towe Election Board, Committee en Wadek oh Kilele Usuhs, oh Driver kan pahn tepda Niare, December 14, 2021. IRE KEISUH: Pekipek en usuhs en absentee nan Pohnpei pahn close de ritidi Nikaunop, December 18, 2021. Songen tohn usuhsda me qualify de kak peki en wia songen usuhs wet iei me (1) soumwahu mihmi nan imwen wini de ni arail tugol ihmw pwehki luwet en paliwar, oh ni kahrepeh ieu me elehieng ah sohte pahn mi ni ah wasahn usuhs ni rahn en usuhso. IRE KEWALUH: Sang November 28, kohla idihdahn irail me pahn towe election board, oh committee en wadek oh kilele usuhs pahn wiawi. Pakair oh radio program kan pil pahn kakehr kepwilpwilieng wei pokon, ahpw mehlel ohng tohn weihn Nett District. IRE KEDUWAUH: Iren pekipek sang ni Ohpis en Usuhs en State en Pohnpei: Se peki candidate kan, leadership, oh karos tohn wein Nett kitail en ketin ehupene oh kangongehki tohn usuhs kan ren kautihda oh iang usuhs. Ieremen itarkihla emen en pilada weliepei. Mehmen me wia candidate, Ohpis en Usuhs pahn anahne sang ih ire pwukat pwehn sewese ohpis wet ohng ni ireh kan me pahn kin anahne kapehse ohng kumwail candidate kan: Neihn candidate telephone no. Mobile de cellphone no., oh Email no. IRE KE-EISEK: Met wia pakair keieu nan kahngen pakair kei me pahn kak wiawi mwuhr me pid usuhs tohror wet. IRE KE-EISEK EHU, OH KEIMWSEKLAHN IRE: Eh kosondier me Usuhs Tohror me pahn pilada weliepen wein Nett pwehn audehda sapwenlimen wein Nett sehr ieu me tehndar pahn wiawi Niare, December 28, 2021. KALAHNGANG OH KASELEHLIE. HEINRICK STEVENSON ELECTION COMMISSIONER KOPERMENT EN POHNPEI

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Governor Oliver Administered Oath Of Administration To The Final Member Of Price Control Commission, Mr. Kanoberson Asher

Governor Reed B. Oliver administered the oath of administration to the final member of the Price Control Commission on Tuesday, October 20, 2021. Mr. Kanoberson Asher received the oath of office in the Governor’s cabinet conference room, Peilapalap, Kolonia. Hon. Senator Jayson Walter presented Mr. Asher his certificate of appointment. Both Governor Oliver and Speaker Edwin conveyed their appreciation and gratitude as the Price Control Commission is now fully staffed with the appointment of Mr. Kanoberson Asher. Click the link below to listen to Governor Oliver’s remarks: Immediately following the swearing-in ceremony, Governor Oliver, as the temporary Chairman of the Price Control Commission convened the first meeting of the Commission to organize the commission. The Price Control Commission is organized as follows: Chairman: Mr. Kohler Carl Vice-Chairman: Mr. Stuard Penias Secretary/Treasurer: Ms. Marstella Jack Member: Mr. Jordan Ardos Member: Mr. Kanoberson Congratulations to all.

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Governor Oliver And Director Of Department Of Education, Mr. Stanley Etse Paid a visit to Pastor Kalau

Governor Oliver paid a visit to Pastor Kalau at the Pohnpei International Airport. The airport visit is a follow-up on an initial meeting with the President/CEO of Pacific Missionary Aviation (PMA), Pastor Nobert Kalau to explore PMA’s services to Pohnpei State. Governor Oliver met pilot, Amos Collins, who gave him and the Director of the Department of Education, Mr. Stanley Etse, a tour of the aircraft. The aircraft is a Beechcraft King Air 200 with seating for nine passe… See More

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Governor Oliver Visited Saladak, U Dispensary

On October 20, 2021, Governor Reed B. Oliver stopped by the Saladak, U Dispensary. The Dispensary is currently open to the public. Public health staff are on-site, the grounds are being cleared, furniture for the exam rooms and office spaces are available. An immunization office with an appropriate freezer and refrigerator is also available. Governor Oliver met with Mrs. Joice Peter and Ms. Malena Dannis who were staffing the Dispensary. The Saladak U Dispensary is one of five Medical Dispensaries located in Pohnpei. The other Dispensaries are located in Pohnlangas Madolenihmw, Wone Kitti, Sapwohn Sokehs, and the Kolonia Town Dispensary also known as Community Healthcare Center (CHC).

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Final Medal Tally Of Liberation Day Games

In a letter to Governor Oliver dated October 11, 2021, Chairman of the 2021 Liberation Day Games, Mr. Jose Joab shared the official medal tally of the 2021 Liberation Day Games.  10 out of 11 municipalities participated this year.  The Liberation Day Games official ending was delayed due to rains and ended October 1, 2021, at the conclusion of the baseball competition.    Here is the official medal tally as of October 1, 2021: 

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Governor Oliver Meets with US Embassy and Kapingamarangi Leadership to Discuss Kapinamarangi Channel Widening Project

On Thursday, October 8, 2021, Governor Oliver, Senator Kasinda Ludwig, and Kapingamarangi Chief Executive Edgar Lickaneth received US Navy Commander (CDR) Thomas Price, US Embassy Kolonia Defense Attache’ at the Governor’s cabinet conference room, Peilapalap, Kolonia.   CDR Price briefed Governor Oliver, Senator Ludwig, and Chief Lickaneth on the upcoming channel widening project that will be done at Kapingamarangi Atoll from October to December 2021.  This project had been originally scheduled for 2020 but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The widening of the channel will be accomplished by detonating explosive devices underwater that will only affect the targeted areas and leave little to no residue that can be harmful to marine or human life.  There will be no contact with the local population by the US Navy Underwater Construction Team (UCT), who will be arriving by Coast Guard cutter Sequoia (WLB-215) from Guam. Pohnpei State Government and Kapingamarangi Municipal Government will be working closing with US Embassy Kolonia to ensure that shipping schedules are not conflicting with the project and that the local population stays clear of the demolition zone at all times during the project.  There have been successful previous channel widening projects with the help of the US Navy Underwater Construction teams in Chuuk and Sapwuafik.    Accompanying CDR Price was US Army Captain Donahue and Staff Sergeant Tarsis Harper, part of a civil affairs unit from the US Army Pacific.  Public Affairs Officer, Mr. Peteriko Hairens, and Local Liaison Officer, Ms. Suannrita Ladore joined Governor Oliver.   CDR Price attended a follow-up meeting on the same subject with members of the Kapingamarangi community on Sunday, October 10, 2021.  During the meeting with the Kapamarangi community at Riverside restaurant, CDR Price gave an overview of the project and answered questions relating to the project.  

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Administrative Leave For Sokehs Special Election

Governor Oliver authorizes two (2) hours of administrative leave for all Sokehs residents working with the Pohnpei State Government on Thursday, October 14, 2021, to participate in the Sokehs Special Election.   Eight (8) hours of administrative leave is authorized for Pohnpei State Government employees who are involved in conducting the special election on October 13 and October 14, 2021. PDF File: Sokehs Special Election

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Executive Proclamation 21-02

EXECUTIVE PROCLAMATION 21-02: Declaring a period of mourning over the untimely passing of the late Honorable Salter Loyola. Governor Reed B. Oliver proclaims a period of mourning for five days commencing October 8, 2021, to October 12, 2021, in memory of the late Honorable Salter Loyola, a respected statesman, Pohnpei State senator, and a traditional nobleman of the Kingdom of Nett. Rest in Peace.

Wahu Pahrekier Sapwekeika

Governor Oliver Swears In New Members of Price Control Commission

On Tuesday, October 5, 2021, Governor Oliver administered oaths of administration to the newest members of the Price Control Commission: 1. Mr. Stuard Penias 2. Mr. Jordan Ardos Governor Oliver congratulated the new members, thanked Speaker Edwin and the 10th Pohnpei State Legislature, in particular the Chairman of the Resources and Development Committee, Senator Marvin Yamaguchi for their support to confirm these new members to the Price Control Commission. He noted that with the confirmation of these two members, the Price Control Commission can now hold meetings and move forward. Governor Oliver spoke of the importance of the commission to check consumer prices, especially during times of emergency to manage the affordability of goods and services. Hon. Senator Ricky Carl, representing Speaker Edwin, presented both members with their certificates of appointment. Hon. Senator Francisco Ioanis, spoke on behalf of Speaker Edwin to challenge the two new members to fulfill their duties and obligations to move this important commission forward. Mr. Jordan Ardos spoke on behalf of himself and Mr. Penias to express their gratitude to Governor Oliver, the 10th Pohnpei State Legislature, and to commit to the work of the Price Control Commission.

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